Environmentally Responsible Gifting

At hampers.com, we're always striving to do our very best for the planet. We're incredibly proud to have been accredited with carbon neutral status, ensuring that our gifts are environmentally responsible and net carbon neutral.


Carbon Neutral


We know that many of our customers want to ensure that the gifts they send to loved ones, clients and employees are kind to the planet, so we're on a journey to B-Corp status. We truly believe in putting purpose over profit. 

Becoming carbon neutral is one of our biggest achievements yet, and we're delighted to reassure you that every single gift bought with us comes with that important status. 



How is hampers.com carbon neutral?

We undertook a rigerous assessment with Carbon Footprint, who measured our annual carbon footprint production. This was a 360 degree review, including the carbon generated by getting our packaging and hamper components to us, our warehouse and office facilities, and delivery to our end consumers. The assessment is QAS (Quality Assurance Scheme) approved.

QAS is a Not For Profit organisation, whose objective is to bring the highest levels of confidence to businesses and individuals that the carbon emissions calculation methodology being used is independently verified, that carbon offset projects meet the highest standards available in the offsetting industry and that carbon retirement is done in an open and timely manner.


How is the carbon offset?

Once we received the result of the assessment, we could see a breakdown of how our carbon footprint is generated. Then, we were able to select approved projects to offset it.

Carbon offsetting projects not only help to combat climate change, but they can do so much more. They can provide much needed employment, health improvement, biodiversity, reforestation and broad social benefits to impoverished communities.

We were keen to select projects which help to care for people and the planet.


Which projects are being supported?

Our carbon is being offset across three wonderful projects:

Reforestation of Degraded Land by MTPL in India

The project involves carbon sequestration of degraded lands through reforestation activities. Many discrete parcels of degraded land that are owned by small and poor farmers/ tribal who do not have the capability of plantation without any external financial support and technical guidance are reforested under Farm Forestry Scheme.

Brascarbon Methane Recovery Project BCA-BRA-16 in Brazil

The purpose of this project is to mitigate and recover animal effluent related greenhouse Gas (GHG) by improving the Animal Waste Management System practices in the confined animal feed operations in the different cities located at the Mato Grosso do Sul state, central Brazil.

Renewable Solar Power Project in India

The purpose of this project activity is to generate clean form of electricity through renewable solar energy sources. The project has a total capacity of 990 MW solar power which is installed across multiple sites in Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh states of India.




If you are looking for sustainable gifts for your business, please contact [email protected] for more information.

For all other questions, please contact [email protected].



This blog was posted 2022-02-11 12:00:00