Going Carbon Neutral: Reforesting Degraded Land in India



At hampers.com, sustainability isn't just a buzzword – it's a way of life. That's why becoming a certified carbon-neutral company is one of our biggest achievements yet.


On our mission to reduce our carbon footprint, we have carefully selected projects which help us offset emissions in the most impactful way. One of the ways we’ve done this is by committing to fund the Reforesting of Degraded Land in India with MPTL.


Join us on a journey of environmental restoration, community empowerment and hope, as we delve into the heart of this inspiring initiative.


Reforesting: One Tree at a Time 


This ambitious project involves planting trees to soak up carbon from the air, breathing new life into land that has suffered deforestation. Through doing so, the project aims to regenerate forests and jungles, empowering ecosystems to thrive after being destroyed by human activity.


Across seven Indian districts in Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, thousands of hectares of degraded land are being restored, enabling the natural ecosystem to recover and regenerate.


Why Trees...?


When trees are cut down to make consumer goods, the forest or jungle floor is left dry, leading to a greater risk of wildfires. These wildfires spread across the land and destroy the environment which indigenous people, animals and plants call home.


This means that planting more trees helps to reduce the likelihood of wildfires and reinvigorate the landscape to be a safe and sustainable place for people, plants and animals.


Restoring Nature, Empowering Communities

But this project is about more than just planting trees – it's about empowering local businesses, farmers and indigenous communities. 


Planting trees helps to fertilise the soil and protect against erosion. Healthy soil and stable land mean that local farmers can grow enough produce to sell at the market, and consequently provide for their families.


The project also ensures that farmers receive fair pay for selling their goods at the market and provides opportunities for communities to enter new farming industries.


Through doing so, the initiative empowers local people with the knowledge and resources to build profitable and sustainable plantations.


Certified Carbon Neutral Gifting


At hampers.com, we're committed to making a positive impact on the planet. That’s why we underwent a rigorous assessment to measure our annual carbon footprint. 


The QAS-approved assessment provided the highest levels of confidence that our carbon emission calculation methodology is independently verified and transparent. This comprehensive review encompassed every aspect of our operations - from packaging to delivery logistics, warehouse facilities and even which nibbles and beverages feature in our gift hampers.


Once we understood the breakdown of our carbon footprint, we carefully considered, selected and approved projects to offset it. 


But carbon offsetting isn't just about reducing emissions – it's about creating positive change. 


The projects we chose to support go beyond combating climate change; they provide employment, improve health, promote biodiversity, and empower communities. We're proud to invest in projects that care for both people and the planet, creating a brighter, more sustainable future for all.


Together, We Can Make a Difference


As you send gifts to loved ones, clients, or employees, know that each purchase with hampers.com contributes to a greener, more sustainable world. 


In 2023, we reduced our carbon footprint by a further 25%, which included carbon reductions in both packaging and delivery options. In collaboration with our carbon offsetting partners, we also planted over 1580 trees in the same year.


So why not join us in our mission to make a positive impact and make the change to sustainable gifting with hampers.com?


This blog was posted 2024-05-15 09:18:00